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We have addressed some of your most common questions.

The overall 20.65ha site was allocated as an employment site by Hambleton District Council in their Local Plan (adopted February 2022) and is identified as ‘Land at Aiskew Moor, north of Wensleydale Railway, Leeming Bar.’

It is a greenfield site and is closely neighboured by residential properties in the village of Leeming Bar, particularly Low Street, Willow Gardens, Lowlands Drive, Ashlands Drive and to the south of the Wensleydale Railway, off Northallerton Road.

The factory will make an important contribution to jobs, apprenticeships and the economy of Leeming Bar and North Yorkshire, creating 300-400 new jobs in addition to the 460 people already employed by Cawingredients.

The current factory is operating at full capacity, so it is not possible to create further jobs or economic opportunities on the existing site. Cawingredients plans to recruit locally and provide up to 30 apprenticeships and/ or development programmes in the first three years of the sites operation.

The total expansion plans represent a £100 million investment in Leeming Bar and will support further investment in the wider community and across North Yorkshire through supply chain opportunities and employment. It will cement the area’s reputation as an important hub for food and drink manufacturing.

The proposed phased development will strengthen Cawingredients' position in the market as a world leader, ensure the company’s longevity, profitability, dedication to innovation and investment in and development of its skilled staff.

Cawingredients prides itself on being an exemplary employer that trains and develops its staff and pays well.

The average full-time salary is approximately £34,000/annum and there are also a number of staff who work part-time to fit in with changing family circumstances. No staff are on zero-hours contracts and permanent staff are all salaried, not paid by the hour as is common practice within the food and drink sector.

Cawingredients offers five main types of jobs:

  • Accounts & Administration representing approximately 8% of the total workforce.
  • Production representing 30% of the total workforce.
  • Electrical & Engineering staff representing 20% of the total workforce.
  • Warehouse and Distribution representing 30% of the total workforce.
  • Technical staff represent the final 12% of the workforce.

The business is also committed to apprenticeships and currently employs 33 apprentices in a range of roles.

The proposed development site consists of around 18.5 hectares located across two parcels of land to the east and west of Low Street. Once completed, it would create 531,000 sq. ft (approx. 49,000m²) of new employment space for production, warehousing, offices, laboratories, plant and storage.

The internal height of the building is an important aspect of the design as it provides versatility across production and storage, and creates an open well-lit and pleasant place to work. It will be constructed using the same grey cladding as the existing factory.

We are committed to working closely with the local community to minimise any negative impacts the factory could have, including:

  • Traffic - A new site access will be created from the A684. All staff vehicles and heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) will access the site directly from the A684, so there should not be any adverse impact on traffic in the village. The aim is to focus the main activities associated with the site to the north and along the eastern boundary, away from residential properties. Pedestrian and cycle provision access will be made from Low Street and improvements will be made to the pedestrian and cycle route along the Wensleydale Railway.
  • Landscape and views - Once the phased development of the factory is complete it will be around be around 85m from the existing houses to the west on Low Street and Willow Gardens, and 75m to the existing houses to the south on Lowlands Drive and Ashlands Drive. The incorporation of a 20m landscape buffer around the site’s western boundary will also screen views of the site from the village. Existing trees and hedges will be retained wherever possible and the landscaping plan incorporates woodland, wildflower beds, trees and native shrubs.
  • Noise - Cawingredients does not compromise on its approach to safeguarding and a noise consultant and lighting consultant form part of the project team. The 20m landscape buffer around the site will reduce potential noise.
  • Smell - The production and activities on site will be odourless. The effluent produced as a result of the industrial activities will be treated on site to a potable (drinkable) standard prior to being discharged into a suitable receptor.
  • Environment and ecology - we will undertake full assessments of the flood risk, ecological, noise and other potential environmental impacts. These assessments will be submitted as part of the planning application. We will take all appropriate steps to address and/ or minimise any impacts.
  • Parking - ample parking will be provided within the development to accommodate staff and visitors so there should be no need for employees or visitors to park in the village.
  • During the Construction Phase - a comprehensive construction management plan will be developed and agreed ahead of commencing works. The plan will outline the proposed building works to be undertaken and how the constructor intends to manage the project to minimise the impact on the local residents during the works. This will be considered as part of the planning application process.

Cawingredients has focused on reducing waste and managing water responsibility for many years. The new factory will continue to use the most up to date technologies to ensure a highly efficient production facility while sourcing electricity from renewable technologies, where possible. Cawingredients will be exploring all viable options to meet its own carbon reduction objectives and those of its partners.

The incorporation of a 20m landscape buffer around the site’s western boundary will also screen views of the site from the village, reduce any potential noise and provide habitat for wildlife. Existing trees and hedges will be retained wherever possible and the landscaping plan incorporates woodland, wildflower beds, trees and native shrubs.

We undertook public consultation from 27 May to 17 June 2022 and submitted the initial highways access planning application in autumn 2022.

Members of the Community Liaison Group met throughout summer and autumn 2022 to shape the plans before submission.

A planning application for the factory will be submitted in Spring 2023.

A period of public consultation was held from 27 May to 17 June 2022. We thank everyone who participated for providing feedback on the proposals which allowed us to shape the scheme before submitting the application. 

We will continue to take on feedback for the proposals as the planning process progresses. 

You can get in touch by emailing us at for any queries.